Author Archive

A fizzy gut healing surprise: Beet Kvass

Fermented food has been known to help rebuild our gut flora and support immune response along with digestion in our gut. This year, in supporting my own gut healing journey, I set the intention to learn the art of all things fermented. We had all these excess beets from our CSA veggie box, so we […]

Lower Cancer Risk When Getting enough Vitamin D

What is your blood Vit D level? Does it matter? A recent study looked at 2300 women over 55 years old and found that if their vitamin D serum level were greater than or equal to 40 ng/ml, then they had a 67% lower risk of cancer than those with serum levels <20 ng/ml (P-value = .02). Read paper. […]

4 Natural Immune Boosting Tips

Whether you are a parent with kids going back to school, or you work in a large office environment with lots of handshakes or door knobs to grab, September to November months are often when people begin the cycle of cough and colds, earaches, strep throats and sinus symptoms.  Some more prone to it than others. […]

The Skinny on Vitamin D

What’s the deal on Vitamin D?   Should I check my levels?  Can I just get it from being in the sun daily?  How much is enough?  Where else can I get Vitamin D? These are some common questions I get daily about vitamin D.  So here’s the skinny on Vitamin D. What is Vitamin D? Why do […]

Reading Books Help Us Live Longer

Reading books is a popular way of relaxing and escaping stressful thoughts, as well as passing the time.  It is also found now correlated with living longer lives. A study1 came from Yale University of Public Health recently showed that in 3600 men and women that they followed over the course of 12 years, adults who […]

My Not-So-Secret Weapon to Rewire Our Chronic Stress Response

Every time I pick up to write, at first, I always imagined talking about the Adrenal-cortisol pathway, or Leaky gut syndrome,  like many of my peers, in order to educate my readers about these common themes that I see daily in my practice.  Instead, I want to go straight to offering you these effective, precious tools that […]

Better Mood, Naturally: Mindful Eating with the Brain in Mind

It’s all about Food As Medicine. If you live in the East bay, check out this wonder group class on How Food can improve your Brain chemical run by a wonderful colleague who use Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction in her groups. PS: If you’d like personal support in this process of improving your cognitive health, […]

12 Tips to A Good Detox

We live in an ever-increasingly toxic environment. Many of the toxins, also known as Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), are abundant in the environment today and did not exist 30 years ago. These new toxins include certain pesticides, herbicides, and industrial chemicals that can enter the body through food, water, and air supplies. These toxins can […]

Understand Autoimmune Disease

Do you know someone in your life suffering with rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, celiac disease, thyroid disease, Hashimoto’s, dementia, and Alzheimer’s? Are you facing a disease yourself?   The truth is we don’t know what Autoimmune disease truly is in conventional medicine.  But it’s a new era in medicine, and there are ways to turn around […]

Can we make disease disappear?

I’ve found this to be TRUE many times in patients who use Functional Medicine to address the root causes of their illness.   Watch how Dr. Rangan Chatterjee on TEDx Liverpool talk about How to Make Disease Disappear. His talk is testament to how our thinking around the concept of disease needs to change to help form a […]