
“Working with her has reset my nervous system, she has helped prioritize health. She’s amazing. She’s highly intelligent. She looks at things from an angle that no other doctors have looked at.  Instead of telling me because my labs are normal, even though I don’t feel normal, she looks at the root cause and help me find the source of my symptoms. Now my face isn’t swollen anymore, I don’t have heart palpitations anymore, I don’t have a high risk of heart attack anymore. Working with Dr. Onna means I’m being proactive about optimizing my health, and it has changed the trajectory of my health. II would so much rather invest my money now to to my health rather than pay later.”

~Jennifer D

“…I feel markedly healthier, happier and most grateful for the quality of life that Dr. Lo has helped me maintain. Hence, I recommend Dr. Lo without reservation. I know of no other doctor with her combination of extensive knowledge and experience in the vast array of medical (mainstream and alternative) treatment options and with her holistic methodology and passion to help her clients achieve a healthier, happier and whole life.” 


~Lupe L. 

“Our 1st session totally changed the perspective of my condition and opened the possibilities to a better physical and spiritual health. My prolonged cough stopped right away after following Dr. Onna’s advise. She is professional, intelligent and a very very good person. It was an eye opening experience.” 


~Yoko W. 

“I would like to tell how pleased I am about Dr Onna Lo’s treatment. Suffering from chronic fatigue, depression and insomnia since 2012, most doctors I have worked with could have only been able to address these issues temporarily and couldn’t address the underlying problem. Onna’s approach to my symptoms were comprehensive and she diagnosed me with MTHFR mutation. Our nutritional support plan has been highly effective and the symptoms I have been suffering from for the past several years are resolved in just a couple of weeks. I don’t remember myself feeling any better since my childhood both physically and cognitively. I would recommend Onna to anyone who are suffering from chronic fatigue.”  


~Burcu D. 

“… (Dr. Lo) is an Integrative physician in the truest sense – blending various treatment modalities from a variety of disciplines in order to provide a truly holistic approach to treatment while still being evidence-based and firmly rooted in science. …she is also such a warm and caring physician, with a healing presence. She’s not only helped me tremendously with my own health, but inspired me professionally … I am so lucky to have found Dr. Lo, and would recommend her wholeheartedly. ” 


~Sarah A. 

“I met with Dr Lo for the first time three months ago and I can say unequivocally that my life has changed so much for the better. I am eating better, I feel lots less anxiety, and really it started the minute I met Dr. Lo. We went through all of my labs, we went through all of my symptoms, and created a plan and worked together.” 


“I’ve been getting a better handle of the implications of a poor diet and what that can do to create a lot of the symptoms and really understanding what that clean diet looks like has been really invaluable. And being able to understand the diet between the synergy of the diet and the stress management…the combination of those two were critical in developing a day to day healthy path. Being able to regularly check in and to have a positive supportive environment…has been totally the best part of it. It is has been amazing. I was surprised at how quickly and how consistently now I have had improvement in my symptoms.” 


“I really appreciate Dr. Onna’s expertise and compassionate, empowering approach to me as a holistic individual – addressing all the interdependent parts that make up my well-being. It feels so different than the standard (and unsupportive) medical care I’ve received in the past and yet her approach is so needed and the way medical care should be. In the fear and frustration of my illness, she has been a guide, an encouragement, and even a mentor in my journey towards healing. [I’ve learned] how connected my physical health is to my mental/emotional/spiritual health … so that I can truly heal for the long run. ” 

~33 year old social worker from Oakland

“In September 2022, I located Dr. Onna Lo on the Internet as an integrative medicine physician and decided to have a consultation session with her due to the overwhelming kudos and accolades from her former and current patients. I have read many reviews but none that had that many patients who had nothing but praises for Dr. Lo. At the time, due to stress, I was having a digestive issue for many months, being treated with antibiotics and having taken CT scans and colonoscopy, no problem was detected by the gastroenterologist. Her detoxification program was very effective. After a six month’s course of treatment, my digestive issues have improved, and my memory became much clearer. Dr. Lo is very personable, relaxed & approachable. Her visits are typically between 30-90 minutes, depending on the patient’s need. After her prescribed treatment, you would feel much better, understand your own body and can carry on a much healthier course of living for the rest of your life journey. Thank you, Dr. Lo.

~ 70 year old BL from Berkeley Hills 

“Dr. Lo uses a holistic approach that takes the entire being, psyche and soma, into consideration in identifying points of imbalance and illness and looking toward treatment and cure.   I had an experience of deep ease and well being working with her.  I see results in a rebalancing of my hormone triad system; an exceptionally improved digestive system; and significant weight loss and steady nutrition habits I can count on continuing throughout my life.  If you are thinking about working with her, trust her and be honest with her and yourself in all aspects of your treatment.”

~ EK 

Case Studies:

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