A fizzy gut healing surprise: Beet Kvass


Fermented food has been known to help rebuild our gut flora and support immune response along with digestion in our gut. This year, in supporting my own gut healing journey, I set the intention to learn the art of all things fermented. We had all these excess beets from our CSA veggie box, so we started making this simple refreshing, fermented drink. A nice alternative to kombucha.

Beet Kvass


  • 3 medium beets cut into small chunks
  • 2 – 3 slices of ginger
  • 4 tsp salt
  • Filtered water
  • 1 large glass jar


  1. Place beets in a bowl and sprinkle with salt. Combine the mixture and place into the glass container and fill with filtered water. Cover container.

  2. Keep at room temperature for 3 to 6 days until it starts tasting tart. I like mine tart, so I keep it for 5-6 days. Then transfer liquid into container to be refrigerated.
  3. You can keep some left over Kvass as inoculant for the next batch.
  4. Recommend 1/2 cup per day. I use the leftover beet chunks as pickles for a side dish or in salads. You can add them to soups, but heating will kill the beneficial bacteria.

***It is always important to keep the liquid covering the food that’s fermenting to prevent mold from growing.


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