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Functional Medicine Webinar Recording

Patient-centered care is what sets functional medicine above all else. This integrative, science-based healthcare approach has been noted as the wave of the future. Our goal is to share with you an in-depth look into functional medicine, why it’s our preferred treatment method, and how it helps. The Way Of The Future “The doctor of […]

Guide To Boosting Your Cognitive Health Part 2:  Lifestyle Tips

Last week we shared an article about how to boost your cognitive health using nutrition. Click here to read that post: Guide To Boosting Your Cognitive Health Part 1: Nutrition Whether you yourself are suffering, your loved one is struggling, or you are an advocate of healthy living- you will want to take note of […]

Guide To Boosting Your Cognitive Health Part 1: Nutrition

If you want to improve your brain health, at any age and in any condition, this article is a must-read for you. This article is perfect for four types of people: A) You are starting to notice the first signs of cognitive decline: Confusion Poor motor coordination Loss of short-term or long-term memory Identity confusion […]

5 Best Tips for a Better Sleep

Here are some tips from Sleep specialist Dr. Mathew Walker, PhD in his book: Why We Sleep: Unlock the power of Sleep and Dreams.  Maintain regularity  Wake up the same time and go to bed the same time, even on weekends.  Create darkness around our room We are a darkness deprived society.  We need light and dark […]

Alternate Nostril Breathing

Today, I have a great yogic technique that I want to share with you. It’s breath work that yogis use to control their moods and energies. When we are distressed, we take quick, shallow breaths. When we are relaxed, we take deep, full breaths.  When we practice regulating our breathing patterns, we improve our mental and […]

Electromagnetic Fields and Radiation: A hidden source of stress on the body

Some of the most overlooked stressors are electromagnetic fields (EMF) radiation and radio frequency radiation. On a daily basis, we are bombarded with radio frequencies and EMFs from televisions, computers, Wi-Fi signals, cellular phones and other electronic devices that we carry around like an extra limb. Even when we are travelling, we are exposed through cars, buses, […]

Phases of Digestion

Your digestive system will process 170,000 pounds of food over the course of your life.  Your digestive system has more nerve endings than your brain.  These facts are amazing and helps us to realize how critical the digestive system is to human health.  One of the most important functions of your digestive system is to […]

A Functional Medicine Approach to Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue is the common name for a set of symptoms that result from the adrenal glands being worked to exhaustion. For the majority of cases, adrenal fatigue is secondary to some other underlying health issue such as chronic, hidden inflammation.  Stress can come in a variety of forms, but your body’s response is the […]

Gluten Sensitivity

It is almost impossible to discuss health and nutrition these days without discussing the topic of gluten with our patients. Are food companies merely taking advantage of vulnerable consumers looking for the latest fad or is there merit to “going gluten-free”? With all the questions that we get surrounding gluten, we at the Living Proof […]