Alternate Nostril Breathing


Today, I have a great yogic technique that I want to share with you. It’s breath work that yogis use to control their moods and energies.

When we are distressed, we take quick, shallow breaths.

When we are relaxed, we take deep, full breaths. 

When we practice regulating our breathing patterns, we improve our mental and physical state.

This technique is called Alternate Nostril Breathing

The nerves going out from the two brain hemispheres cross at the level of the eyebrows. The left hemisphere connects to the right side of the body and right nostril, and the right hemisphere to the left side of the body and left nostril.

Right nostril breathing (Coffee Replacer).

It activates qualities of left brain: the Sun energy—warming, projective, concentrative, alert, and action oriented.

  1. Have the left hand in Gyan mudra (touch thumb with index finger) relax on lap
  2. Raise your right hand, use the index finger  to close your left nostril
  3. Slowly inhale through the right nostril
  4. Eyes can be closed or 1/10 open looking at tip of nose
  5. Long deep breaths for 3 minutes
  6. To end you take a deep breath in with both nostrils, hold the breath, for a count of 10, then release


Left nostril breathing (Calm Inducer).

It activates right brain qualities: the Moon energy—calmness, receptive, cooling. Best to use before bed or anxiety.

  1. Use the thumb on your right hand to cover your right nostril
  2. Breathe slowly through your left nostril
  3. Eyes can be closed or 1/10 open looking at tip of nose
  4. Long deep breathing for 3 minutes


Try RIGHT in the morning, and LEFT one before bed, and enjoy the powerful effects of this breath.

Happy Breathing!!

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