Congratulations! You have invested several minutes a day in the last 2 weeks on building your health and improving your energy.
You learned some key concepts on taking advantage of the attitude of gratitude, blood sugar balancing, improving your metabolism, calming the FIGHT or FLIGHT sympathetic nervous system with diet, rest, and meditation. You have also learned some tools in developing healthy habits, cultivating time and creating a YES list so you can open up space in your life for opportunities and joyful things.
Here are your next steps:
1. Apply as many of the things you learned here to your daily life.
2. Pick a topic and do a 30 day cycle for each one.
3. Aligning your vision with your YES list. Make it your priority!
Also, watch more Bonus videos below if you want to learn about inflammation, and benefits of a cold shower.
In this process, if you might realize that you need extra support for your health issue, find a functional medicine doctor to work with. A functional doctor is committed to look for the root cause of your health issues, and they work with your major body systems: Nervous system, Hormones, Gut and Detoxification and Energy Metabolism. If you are in California, check out our clinic program on the link below.
It’s been a lovely time. Blessings to you.
Dr. Onna