Our body needs protein to make amino acids for

  • Energy metabolism
  • Building muscles
  • Supporting hundreds of biological processes
  • Making neurotransmitters for brain functioning
  • Regulating Leptin, a weight control hormone
  • Regulating insulin & Blood Sugar, and help us feel full

If we don’t have enough protein, we can have difficulty losing weight,  feeling energized, building muscles, and recovering from illness easily.  

Here are tips on getting your protein:


1. Eat 1.2-1.5 grams of proteins per 1 kilograms (kg) in your body weight. About half your body weight (lbs) converted to grams. If you’re exercising and very active, or if you are healing from an injury, you will need more.

2. Eat at least 30 g of protein for breakfast in the morning to jumpstart your metabolism and curb your sugar cravings during the day.

30 grams of protein = 5 eggs, 4 oz chicken or beef, 6 oz tempeh, ¾ blocks of tofu

3. Eat protein with each meal to keep your blood sugar balanced 

4. Plants based foods are good protein source, such as beans, peas, legumes, nuts, or nut butter

5. If you are on the go add protein powder sourced from pea protein, peas, whey, soy, and rice to your shake.  Try Red Mills Pea Protein, Ripple Milk, or simply make your own Almond Milk.

6. If you eat meat, choose pastured, or grass fed for higher omega 6 fatty acids and less antibiotics and hormones

7. Sometimes, if you feel really bloated or have abdominal discomforts after you eat too much protein, that may be signs that you are not producing enough digestive enzymes or stomach acid to break down your food, you may have to try some digestive enzymes, or even betaine HCl before meals. Or find a functional medicine doctor to check it out.


Remember, make protein your friend if you want to support your body’s metabolism and repair!


Have an amazing day!

Dr. Onna Lo