Have you ever found that it’s hard to make healthy habit changes that last?  Or it’s difficult to feel motivated and ready for positive changes?

Here are some tips I learn from the book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Japanese decluttering specialist Marie Kondo


1.  Go from ONE category to another, such as clothes first, then shoes, then books, and so on.

2. Within each category, you place your hands on each item you own, and ask yourself if it sparks joy, and if it doesn’t, thank it for its service and get rid of it. donate , sell it 

3. Once you have kept only the belongings that brings most joy, then put every item in a place where it’s visible, accessible, and easy to grab and put back. That way, you are always surrounded by joy inducing things.

4.  As you see the connection of feeling joy around your belongings, you will start to build a positive relationship with your environment.   You begin to respect your belongings and take good care of them.


So for the next 30 days, as you practice asking yourself, “What brings you joy with each simple thing?”, and practice letting go of things that do not spark joy. I hope you become more aware of your own needs, make decisions that are aligned to your heart, and create more space for joy and wonderful opportunities.


Happy Space Clearing!

Dr. Onna Lo